Things to do in quarantine.

Writing a blog for the very first time could be very difficult for the begginers__as to choose a topic or the way of writing things and all.And especially for me,as I am an ordinary girl from a very small state of IOK,where in a 12 month year,we are locke down for almost 4-5 months with having no call or internet facilities.Doing blogging from a war zone area is quiet difficult.The idea of blogging came into my mind,when one day in curfew i was sitting idol and i i w having nothing to do.That day i decided to write blogs not for making money for myself,u know Selfbuilding.
Well!I think i've not introduced myself yet.But oh! I've already told you that i live in a war zone area where people really don't have an identity. As far as my name is concerned my name is Mutahara and i am 21 years old.
So,in this blog i am going to share some activities that i used to do during lockdown.

The first thing you can do is taking much much care of yourself__in this world of materialism we've completely forgotten overselves.Take care of your health,skin,hairs,internal system.Take care of your Soul.Take care of your family members
Spend quality time with your family.
Don't waste your time on social media.I mean take a break from all this crap.
Try to grow in this mean time.Because I personally believe the more we live in an uncomfortable zone the more we grow.
Get a hobby.Do whatever you really like.It could be some sort of art,dancing,cooking,baking,yoga,gardening or anything that makes your soul happy,that makes you feel alive.
Help your parents in homemaking.They'll be more happy.
Pray!do it more and more,for this thing will keep you calm all the time.It will bring you peace.
And the last but not least! Do some study(if you are a student)because at the end of the day we are all going to face examinations.So prepare from now only.

EatHealthy StayHealthy StayBlessed



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