Shine with your all broken pieces....part 2

May be there is only a dark road up ahead BUT you still have to believe and keep going.Believe that the Stars will light your path even a little bit.
Sometimes,you've to take great risks in your life.No one knows what is going to happen next,stressing about things is not going to work.Live in present.Take some risks in your life,you never know;which step of yours will bring a change in your life and may be life could get better.

Be thankful always,for what you have.Don't compare yourself to anyone.May be some of them have more than you but some of them,for sure,may don't have what you have.So,be restricted to yourself only.No one is going to benifit you.Always be grateful for what you have and try to be happy in least.

Do some meditation on a regular basis.It soothes your mind,relaxes you from every stress almost.Meditation is a proven way of feeling better from inside out.Infact do some workout daily for almost 30 mins,for your physical body is important as your inner soul.So,you have to take care of both.

Don't ever take rejections personally.Getting rejected by a company or from an interview or by a boy/a girl or anything else in the world,let it be.A single rejection can't break your confidence.It can't break your level of maturity.Infact take lessons from that rejection,may b it will benifit you in the future.

Learn from your mistakes.Always remember your mistakes don't define you.If you made a mistake in the past,don't get stucked on one thing.Look forward,learn from it and the most important Don't Repeat it.

Always try to spread positivity around you.Be positive in every situation and follow your positive attitude.No matter what the situation is, always try to look on the positive side of the matter.Spread positive vibes.

Take credit and criticism equally.If you do some sort of work at your level.There will be some people who would love your work and they will appreciate you.But there will also be some people who are going to critisize you and your work.So,don't take that thing in a negative way.Take both the things equally.Don't care about what others think,just do your work.

Don't hold grudges for anyone.It is like you are drinking poison and you are expecting of someone else dying.Keep your heart clean for everyone,no matter what they did.What they did to you is their standard but what you are going to do explains yours.

There are a lot of habits that can bring you a lot of change in your lifestyle.Adopt some healthy habits and see how your life changes.Let me share some healthy habits that anyone of you can adopt easily.It could be like:
• Sleep early and get up early.
• Stop comparing yourself to anyone.
• Spend more time with yourself.
• Stay quiet and calm.
• Stay organised.
• Live in the moment.
• Mind your own business.
• Keep your secrets and goals to yourself.
• Think positively.
• Exercise atleast for 10 mins daily.
• Have a nice shower everyday.
• Do things that make you happy.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Eat healthy.
• Don't critisize and complain.
• Stop overthinking everything
• Adopt reading habit.
• Try to travel atleast once in a month.

I believe,if you adopt 8 habits from the above you'll witness a drastic change in yourself.
Don't complicate things.Take everything easily.No problem comes to stay forever.

No matter how dark it gets,The Sun is going to rise again.


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