Fighting acne

Acne is a medical condition that we usually misconcept with pimples. It occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin,usually affecting face area.
There is a huge difference between acne and pimples. Acne is a disease and pimples are one of its symptoms.
When acne breakouts on your skin, you are likely to get more excess oil production, more hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells.Bacterial growth will increase. Increase in activity of a harmone (androgen).

Myths about acne
*Acne is caused by pollution.
*Only teenagers get acne.
*Eating oily and greasy foods cause acne.
*Tanning yourself will help you to make it up.
*Drinking less water cause acne.
*Acne will go on it own.
*Popping pimples will make them go away.
*Washing face more often will make acne fade.
*Exfoliate as much as possible.

These are all myths and are not true facts about acne.
Foods rich in dietary fibre-skim milk and carbohydrate rich foods such as bread, rice, chips, pulses etc may worsen acne. Eating chocolate based food items can worsen its symptoms.
Basically the acne starts when the oil and dead skin cells gets clogged in the skin. Some common symptoms of acne are blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.
Many factors can contribute to the steadfastness of acne including some genetic factors, harmonal imbalance, improper diet,stress and anxiousness and skin infections.

Different types of acne

*Blackhead:Pore is open and sebum accumulation has oxidised.
*Whitehead:Sebum accumulation is covered by a thin layer of skin.
*Pustules:Often yellow or white with redness at the base of swelling.
*Nodules:Hard, tender pimples embedded under the skin.
*Papules: Sensitive red and pink slight bump over the skin.

Fungal acne symptoms
*Flakes near nose, lips or mouth
*Pus filled pimples
*Redness around nose and lips

Harmonal acne symptoms
*Brown spots on skin


1. Apple cider vinegar
Mix 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar to 4 tablespoon of water. Apply it to the clean face with the help of cotton ball and let it dry on its own. Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Repeat this process 3 times a day, as needed.
*Don't ever use Apple cider vinegar without diluted water as it can cause allergies or burns or irritation to the skin.

2. Applying green tea to your skin
Green tea contains many antioxidants and drinking green tea can actually make your skin look flawless.
Take a green tea bag and dip it into boiling water for 3-4 mins.
Pour the tea in a mug and drink it.
Take the leftover teabag and massage it gently all over the face. Let it dry. Rinse face with cold water and pat dry.

3. Applying aloevera gel
Aloevera gel can be used as a moisturiser as it fights inflammation, it helps in wound healing process and treat burn scars. It can be very beneficial to the acne affected areas.
Take a leaf of aloevera gel plant and with the help of a knife or spoon take out the aloevera gel and massage it over your face let it dry. (No need to wash face).
Repeat this process for 2-4 times a day.

4. Gentle exfoliation
Try honey and cinnamon face pack. Both the things are an excellent source of antioxidants and have antibacterial properties.
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with half tablespoon of cinnamon powder. After cleaning your face apply this pack over your face and leave it for 15 mins. And after 15 mins with the help of your finger tips, gently massage over you whole face for 7-10 mins.
Wash your face with cold water and pat dry.

5. Physical exercise
Try to reduce your stress and maintain your personal hygiene.
*Get more sleep
*Make yourself more busy in day to day activities
*Workout for almost 30 mins in the morning and in the evening
*Practice yoga
*Laugh more

10 things that can make your skin look gorgeous

*Never go to bed with makeup on and without washing face.
*Stay hydrated from morning to night.
*Use skincare ingredients with perfection.
*Be dilligent with your skincare routine.
*Use an antioxidant serum.
*Change your pillow cover every week.
*Avoid junk food.
*Use facemasks once a week.
*Exfoliate atleast 1-2 times in a month.
*Do a lots of exercise.

And eat healthy

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