Shine with your all broken pieces

Life could be very distorting sometimes,you know very cruel.It shows us its real face at times,in the form of failure,getting cheated over,losing people you love,being ill,getting away from the things you love to do.And it all leads to anxiety,depression,headaches,migraine problem,stomach disorders,restlessness and sometimes even more fatal ;i mean it could lead to death...Come on!

No one among us want to die soon and just because of these reasons.
Just because you didn't passed an examination,it can't be a reason of your death.For God's sake...
I know there could be a lot of times where we get so much disappointed by ourselves.we even starting hating ourselves.Maybe there could be some harsh reasons behind that,even they could be Depression Deserving Reasons,but leave everthing aside,leave your physical body aside,just think about your soul.Is anything in this world more valuable,more important than your inner satisfaction?
Your soul is so beautiful,so delicate,so sensitive;that there is not even a single reason of this world that could lead to this fatal destruction.Destruction of your soul,your inner peace.Remember,your inner peace is the most valuable thing.
Sometimes,we are at a stage of life where we feel like we've lost everything;that pain inside you,is the worst thing ever you could ever face.Pain of losing everything one after the another,pain of losing self confidence,pain of losing yourselves.
Maybe all your broken pieces can't heal at one time.Self improvement can't be a one day or one time process.It takes time to heal.But the moment you decide to heal actually,you are half a way from your goal of healing,goal of prosperity,goal of success.
Everyone in this world have some talent,some ability to do something.God has gifted everybody one special talent,but majority among us are not aware about that talent,that art of creativity.
This could be a very important step towards self building.Know your worth!Don't let anything or anyone ruin you.
Do't overthink about things that you can't do anything about.Leave it to God.He will take charge of all your worries.

Be happy and try to make everyone happy around you.Atleast try to make them smile.Its not that difficult,I swear.If you see someone with a broad smile on your face;they can't help themselves to do anything but smiling back.(Try it)

Try to do atleast one thing per day that makes you satisfy,that makes you happy.No matter whether it is a small thing or a huge one.You know whether it is just to listen a song or it is to visit someone.

Here I stop writing this blog and I will continue it in part-2,with a leaving note_

Sometimes we don't know what we are capable of until we step out of our comfort zone.Just leave your bed,leave your comfort zone.Remember the more you will live in an uncomfortable zone the more you will grow,the more you will prosper,the more you will shine.


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