Grateful and Blessed


Lying on my smooth matress at this deep dark time of the night suddenly reminded me of some random post on Instagram that I saw a few days back where, some homeless children were playing with the mud and the smile on their faces was so full and satisfactory. I asked myself if it is this mud that is making them happy or it is their life that is free of all the worries. 

My eyes litrally drenched with tears when i reminded those little kids, for sometimes we become so ungrateful and we forget all the things that God has blessed us with. We forget that we are healthy, we forget that we have got a home to live, a family to cherish our time with, our parents, the food, our friends, the ability to read, write and what not. If we start to compile all the things that are the essentials for our life we will get to know how much truly blessed we are. But most of the times we forget about all those things and we start complaining for those little things that we don't have.

I think, people nowadays make their lives more difficult by summing up their lives only to the materials of the world. Recently, someone said to me live your life like you should have no regret of your past. From that sentence i understood that we should live life with our whole hearts, even on the darkest days we should look on the brighter, i mean the positive side of the things that are happening around us.

There is one person in my life whom I have started admiring so much and I have learned so many things from that person. While we were in a meeting, I said, I don't think these clients were deserving this much of time from our side. He interrupted  me and said, remember one thing always, "whenever you meet someone, treat them like your priorities, meet them like they would never forget you and your gesture"and that hit me right inside. 

I consider life as the process of learning things from one another. No matter if the person you are learning is older than you or is younger than you. The main focus should always be on, how could be I great learner and how I am going to develop myself into positive shades of life.

This is a hard nut to crack, I know. To be positive, on your darkest days, but belive me, someone has saif it very right "this too shall pass". And when the hard time of life passes and we look back to those days and regret, why were we so ungrateful on those days. Why we spent those days only by stressing ourselves over nothing.

But if we try to be positive and try to motivate others, you would see a huge difference in your life.

Life is so beautiful with all the closed tubs of happiness, sadness, anxiety, excitement, stress, ups, downs, and what not.

Be grateful and thankful for all the little things that you are blessed with, for someone somewhere is praying to have those blessings...


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