Is depression real???

Ummm... Okay, so this is one of the topics that I always wanted to talk about because sharing something that you have gone through or you have seen someone gone through is always so pure and easy to describe.

I seriously don't know how it feels to be depressed but being with someone who is depressed or who is going through this tough time and that person is one of your loved ones, is really heart wrenching.
Back in 2016, a very beautiful soul and a person who is really close to my heart was in this trouble. I even don't want to remember those days but I personally feel like it's better to share this thing because it's not a myth or a taboo. This is real. I always felt helpless whenever panic attacks or Depression related illnesses attacked her, when she was going through this pain. I was witnessing a really very hurtful situation. It took her almost a year to get back to her normal life with so much of pain and pateince.

The first thing I really mean is, "Depression is real". Never ever take it forgranted. There is nothing worse than being depressed and feeling like not allowed to feel like that, to be restricted. We live in a society where even today in most of the families, talking about depression and mental health feels like a sin. Parents are even conservative for understanding mental health problems.

In my opinion, it is completely okay if you are feeling low on some days. Just lay on your bed and bring yourself together but... Don't give up on yourself.

Depression is not always suicidal. It is also:
•being emotionally distant
•getting yourself socially isolated
•spending all day lying in bed and doing nothing at all
•feeling hunger or not eating at all
•skipping work for no reason.
I think depressed people are exhausted as well, by pretending that they are not depressed.

There are 2 sides of depression/mental illness
The first side, when you are surrounded by people and at that time you feel completely okay and you feel nothing is wrong. Everything is in its perfect shape. But deep down its hurting you know.
The other side of depression is when you are all alone. The only thought that came to your mind at that time is,"it can't get better". Why only I am going through this. You wish for someone to be there to hear you.

In a society like ours, there are myths and taboos related to depression, including this one: "you will get over it by your own. You will be fine."
But unfortunately this statement is completely wrong. Depression is not something like anyone of us chooses it. Most people believe that depression happens when a person allows him/herself to be sad or to think negative. And it can be fixed with positive thoughts, a day spent well or a change in routine. It doesn't happen because of a sad situation. Depression usually attack a person slowly and gradually.
There are actually levels of depression.
1. The first level is feeling distanced and detached.
2. Start to isolate and pull away from everything in routine.
3. Loss of motivation and interest in everything.
4. Trying and struggling more than usual.
5. Feeling like everything is falling apart and everything is harder than it should be.
6. Everything become internalised.
7. Overthinks every small thing.
8. Insomnia
9. Lack of patience.

Does mental health really affects physical health???
Yes, like other parts of the body brain is also an important part of the human body. But we usually ignore some signs of brain related to its illness. Mental illness can affect the physical health. But it is not necessary that every physical problem is a sign of mental illness. But sometimes it can affect your various parts. It does affect your physical health through:
•sensory overload
•heart palpitation
•stomach issues
•mood swings
•extra sweats
Sometimes people suffering from depression don't do anything for the whole day and still feel exhausted.
Medication and antidepressants can really help for time being but in my personal openion a person should not rely on medicines for so long for, they also have their own side affects. But psychologists and psychiatrists play a very important role in getting you back to your normal life. I really mean it.

How can you offer emotional support to someone who is experiencing a mental health problem

1. Listen what they have to say. Be patient with them. Pay your full attention.
2. Spend time with them. Offer to take them out our go for a walk.
3. Help them to find the right support. Offer to go with them to doctors.
4. Remind them that you are there for them.
5. Be there to encourage and praise.
6. Try to learn about the problem they are going through.
7. Don't ever pressure them to talk about the things they don't want to talk about.
8. Stay in a regular contact and connect with them.
Stay patient with them. Show all your love and care. It really heals a person from within. Make them feel important.
Things to remember if you feel the same
•You matter even on the days when it feels like you don't.
•Your heart will feel better. Give it time and extra love.
•You don't have to pretend to be okay or happy.
•If you are having a hard time right now, take care of yourself.
•Its okay if you don't know what to do.
•Please don't work yourself to exhaustion. Take a break.
•Remember there are people who love you with their whole hearts.
•Its okay to get rejected. It won't matter after 1 year.
•Always express yourself, express your feelings. Its very important.
•Do atleast 1 thing daily that make you feel alive and happy.

Don't feel shy for your illness. It is completely fine. Don't get scared of the society. They won't help you in your tough times. Its only you, that could help yourself. Put your phone down. Make a gratitude list. Talk about your feelings or write about them. Be kind to yourself. Meditate/pray daily. Take deep breaths. Make your mental health a priority.


  1. And what if there is nobody to listen to you and your problems or if the people (who you think are with you in every thick and thin) don't really understand your pain.

  2. Really true, it clearly depicts that you have mentioned the kind of a human trouble in a human way n not in philosophical manner...,. So pure n simple..... Keep it up .

  3. Exactly.... first I appreciate you because you explained word by word that's very helpful..... depression are very big illness as per my thinking....I just want to say May Allah give happiness all of us ....May Allah bless you dear ❤️

    1. Thankyou so much for your valuable feedback🍁


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