Writing my Heart out

 Have you ever noticed, we always get hurt by ones that are very close to our heart, our dearest ones. It is quite obvious our feelings get hurt only if a special person hurt them because they really matter for us, their words, their actions, their perspectives are very important for us. And the rest of the people in the world, if litrally hate us till our last breathe, it would hardly matter because obviously they are not important to us.

But a girl like me usually take a long time to notice these small things. You know, we always try to make everyone happy and satisfy. But doing all these things we sometimes lost ourselves. We literally lost or identity even we hardly get to know where our happiness lies. Because we are always busy in making other people happy.

People who choose you over everything, who choose your smile, your satisfaction over everything are the ones that love you the most. They are the most caring and loving for you. Sometimes their over-protectiveness feels like someone had caged you but believe me they just wanted you to be protected.

It is not necessary that I am talking about your boyfriend or girlfriend. He/She may be your friend, cousin, brother, sister, or may be one of your parent.

They always remember your every single detail. They are always ready to hear you. They just want the same energy from your side. I swear people like them will never left you, no matter what.

But if for some reason you people get distanced may be it will feel relieved for some time but in the long run you'll miss them like anything. Because obviously they were your wellwishers. And this time; Yes! The time you began to miss them, you fail to replace them, guilt will take your heart fully. And on the other side your ego may not allow you to call them back. But I am pretty sure if you will call that person just once and make an honest and sincere apology. They will surely come back to your life. Come on! they love you to their fullest.

Because love is something that we cannot escape from. Our hearts are made to melt for those whom we truly love.

And if you have people like those in your life. Take care of them and don't hurt their feelings. Don't ever take them forgranted and love them with your whole heart and with the same energy as they do.

And see how life becomes beautiful ❤️


  1. hurt propels suffering because heart matters most...❤️


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