Flourish this Ramadan

The abstinence from all foods and drinks for a set period of time is Fasting.

The first and the foremost benifit of fasting is increased weight loss. Fasting shows many health benifits from weight loss to better brain function.
Fasting controls blood sugar level in body which could be great and very useful for those at risk of diabetes. It promotes a better health by fighting inflammation. One study in 50 Healthy Adults showed that fasting for one whole month decreases the level of inflammatory markers. It improves blood pressure level and heart health. Changing a pattern of your diet and lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Many people with increased weight become very anxious about their weight. Fasting could be a great change to drop a few pounds. Basically, abstaining form all our certain foods and beverages decrease your overall calorie intake, which could lead to increased weight loss. Short term fasting may boost your metabolism.

Despite the long list of possible health benifits associated with fasting, it may not be right for everyone. If you are suffering from low blood sugar or diabetes of type-2, fasting could be fatal because it decreases blood sugar level in your body and if you are already a patient of low blood sugar, it is better to consult you doctor first.

If you decide to fast, make sure your body is well hydrated and your diet is filled with nutrient dense foods (Suhoor).

Benifits of eating Suhoor meal

Eating Suhoor meal helps the body to maintain its sugar level during hours of fasting, and reduces of too much hunger and thirst.
Try to take high fibre carbohydrate foods like brown rice or brown bread because it takes long time to digest,helping to sustain energy levels longer. Salad is a must in Suhoor. It also takes longer to get digest. It keeps on providing energy you for the whole fasting time.
Suhoor wards off the bad attitude that may be provoked by the hunger,so the one who eats Suhoor will be in a good mood.
Avoid caffeine during Suhoor.Caffeine makes you urinate frequently which makes you dehydrate quicker.Milk or Lassi is a better option or simply water.

How to break fast

It is really traditional to open the fast with dates and a glass of milk or water. There is a great reason behind eating dates at the time of iftari. Dates contain many nutrients and also fills you up pretty quickly and are a great source of slow energy release - keeping you going for longer.
For iftar, ensure you eat a plenty of tasty Salad (fruit or vegetable).
Making roast chicken or baked potatoes is a lot healthier than opting for fried samosas or chips.
Eat fresh fruits or ice-cream instead of chocolate or pastry desserts.
Say a big NO to fast food.
When you eat such healthy foods and alongside drink plenty of fluids may help to ease constipation as well as doing some light physical activity,such as going for a walk after Iftar.

Health with wudhu

The act of wudhu can restore the the weak body,provide it with strength reducing muscle spasms,relaxing the eyes and lowering the heart rate and maintaining blood pressure and decreasing the muscle pain. It also aids in relieving the anxiety and insomnia.
                                 Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim
Wudhu refreshes your body.
Washing nose prevents from microbic diseases.
Washing arms activates blood circulation.

Increase your Namaz this month as it is great for both your health and has a spiritual greatness. Namaz keeps you fit and healthy by burning extra calories thereby losing weight.
Namaz is the best forms of meditation. One of the best stress buster and tension relieve modules.
Namaz provides ultimate satisfaction and peace to the mind, save you from many disorders and diseases. Namaz is one of the effective ways of losing weight.
Namaz stretches your muscles and help to provide a toned body.
Namaz helps the most to keep your thoughts clean and keep your carnal desires in check.

So, let this Ramadan heal you inside out.
        Keep me in your dua's...


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